
Filter::field() filters can be marked as pivot filters if you want the filter to be applied to a column on the intermediate table linking the models.

You must specify the parent model fqcn.

public function allowedFilters(): AllowedFilterList
    return Filter::only(
        Filter::field('tagged_by', [FilterType::EQUAL])->pivot(Post::class),


In the below example of class Post and class Tag.

  • The pivot filter can only be used when in the context of the posts or tags relationship.
class Post extends Model implements IsFilterable
    use Filterable;

    public function tags(): BelongsToMany
        return $this->belongsToMany(Tag::class);

    public function allowedFilters(): AllowedFilterList
        return Filter::only(
            Filter::field('tagged_by', [FilterType::EQUAL])->pivot(Tag::class),
            Filter::relation('tags', [FilterType::HAS])->includeRelationFields()

class Tag extends Model implements IsFilterable
    use Filterable;

    public function posts(): BelongsToMany
        return $this->belongsToMany(Post::class);

    public function allowedFilters(): AllowedFilterList
        return Filter::only(
            Filter::field('tagged_by', [FilterType::EQUAL])->pivot(Post::class),
            Filter::relation('posts', [FilterType::HAS])->includeRelationFields()

// Applying `tagged_by` filter within `tags` `$has` relation filter.
// Allowed
        'type'   => '$has',
        'target' => 'tags',
        'value'  => [
                'type'   => '$eq',
                'target' => 'tagged_by',
                'value'  => 'admin',

// Applying `tagged_by` filter within `posts` `$has` relation filter.
// Allowed
        'type'   => '$has',
        'target' => 'posts',
        'value'  => [
                'type'   => '$eq',
                'target' => 'tagged_by',
                'value'  => 'admin',

// Applying `tagged_by` filter when not in context of `tags` `$has` relation filter.
// throws DeniedFilterException.
        'type'   => '$eq',
        'target' => 'tagged_by',
        'value'  => 'admin',

// Applying `tagged_by` filter when not in context of `posts` `$has` relation filter.
// throws DeniedFilterException.
        'type'   => '$eq',
        'target' => 'tagged_by',
        'value'  => 'admin',

// Applying `tagged_by` filter when in context of another BelongsToMany relation
// but User::class not defined in the ->pivot() method in the tags model.
// throws DeniedFilterException.
        'type'   => '$has',
        'target' => 'tags',
        'value'  => [
                'type'   => '$eq',
                'target' => 'tagged_by',
                'value'  => 'admin',

Many To Many (Polymorphic)

When defining a pivot filter for MorphToMany relations, you can specify a list of models in the ->pivot() method.

class Epic extends Model implements IsFilterable
    // ...
    public function allowedFilters(): AllowedFilterList
        return Filter::only(
            Filter::relation('labels', [FilterType::HAS])->includeRelationFields()

class Issue extends Model implements IsFilterable
    // ...
    public function allowedFilters(): AllowedFilterList
        return Filter::only(
            Filter::relation('labels', [FilterType::HAS])->includeRelationFields()

class Label extends Model implements IsFilterable
    // ...
    public function allowedFilters(): AllowedFilterList
        return Filter::only(
            Filter::field('labeled_by', [FilterType::EQUAL])->pivot(Epic::class, Issue::class)